Due to the high dependency of the Infrastructure operator and the users on the availability of the central IT systems, structural, infrastructural and organizational measures must be implemented to ensure this required availability. In order to operate the sensitive IT systems, as well as to manage the data stocks and communicate the users with the central systems, specific services of different departments are required. All systems require permanent monitoring and a well-rehearsed incident management procedure to ensure Infrastructure operators know what actions to take when a security incident or system incident occurs.
TRUSTFELLOWS offers the assessment, planning, design, implementation and operation of Infrastructure security and monitoring systems. With over 15 years of experience in planning and implementing Datacenters and other secure infrastructure facilities TRUSTFELLOWS experts are offering optimization of existing and/ or the implementation of new systems where required. TRUSTFELLOWS is working with carefully selected manufacturers and vendors who can offer reliable services and systems of high quality. TRUSTFELLOWS is working directly with many European manufacturers directly to ensure smooth and reliable end-to-end services and training. Services include: