Infrastructure Maintenance Management is a core discipline in ensuring that infrastructure assets are managed at optimal capacity and to ensure they are functionally available to support business operations. Well managed and maintained infrastructure has no unplanned downtime and risks are well known and managed to avoid any breakdown. If unknown risks or incidents occur emergency and corrective maintenance procedures are at hand and acted up on. With “Orange Book ONE” TRUSTFELLOWS has is offering a well-rehearsed Maintenance Methodology to manage Secure Infrastructure efficiently and reliable, Where required TRUSTFELLOWS is selecting their Maintenance Management Resources or/and trains the onsite Maintenance Management team to ensure the right skills and knowledge have been adapted to manage the respective Maintenance Policies, Processes & Procedures. Before the onsite Maintenance Management team can run the Infrastructure Management TRUSTFELLOWS is assessing, designing & customizing all Policies, Processes & Procedures according to the customer’s needs. The packaged Methodology with all its templates allows to set up efficient and reliable Maintenance plans and schedules for secure infrastructure in a relatively short time.